The demise of design programmes within the public FET system in South Africa: a case for non-formal education



Design Education Research

This paper investigates the demise of design and related programmes within the public Further Education and Training (FET) system of South Africa.

Policy documents regulating the provision of these programmes were interrogated and the various changes which have occurred in the FET system, especially in terms of restructuring, will be highlighted. These changes have had adverse implications on design education, evidenced in the introduction of the National Curriculum Vocational (NCV) programmes and the unclear status of the ‘old’ Nated programmes. The paper concludes by advocating for non-­‐formal education as a possible antidote for the poor availability of design and related programmes within the 50 public FET colleges.

Shifting pedagogies: the impact of recurriculation



Design Education Strategy

On Monday, June 5 2006, on the front page of the Business Report, it was stated that, “Schools fail to teach the basics, MPs hear”. The article proclaimed that young people were leaving school without having reading or numeracy skills, and because of that businesses were often unable to train young recruits. Each year, fewer than half of the million children who started at grade 1 will register for grade 12. Even those who leave after grade 12 do not have the basic skills to seek work (Hamlyn, 2006: 1).

Some of those school leavers may become our students.

Designosaurus HESA: Laying bare the bones of a dilemma



Design Education Strategy

I believe we are living in a time of opportunity. Democratically established and constitutionally sound, South Africans have created a platform for opportunity on an unprecedented scale. Within this framework South African designers are beginning to show their mettle.

Over the last few years we have seen some exciting work from both established and emerging designers in a variety of disciplines from fashion to product design. We have always been inventive creatures. We are continually solving problems and developing new technologies at an astounding rate. We are forward looking beings set on breaking new frontiers. We have the ability to predict many of our future needs.

DEFSA conferences

DEFSA promotes relevant research with the focus on design + education through its biennial conferences, to promote professionalism, accountability and ethics in the education of young designers. Our next conference is a hybrid event. See above for details.

Critical skills endorsement

Professional Members in good standing can receive a certificate of membership, but DEFSA cannot provide confirmation or endorsement of skills whatsoever. DEFSA only confirm membership of DEFSA which is a NPO for Design Education in South Africa (https://www.defsa.org.za/imagine).