postgraduate studies

Re-storying design research: A case study in the context of postgraduate studies



Graphic Design & Visual Art

In the recent five years, the predominant approach followed in the context of postgraduate research in the field of design at Stellenbosch University (SU) has been practice-led. This reflects the Visual Arts Department’s integrated, process-oriented philosophy of design. We regard design as an inherently relational practice that connects people, things, places, and ideas, among others. Through the integrated and applied use of multiple media formats. We do not focus solely on the outcome of our practice but are rather interested in using our practice to work towards a more just and sustainable future for all.

Postgraduate Communication Design Education in South Africa: Challenges and opportunities



Media & Communications Design

The study qualitatively explored the local communication-design-education landscape and identified the structures, nature, challenges and role players. Theoretical models with the potential to guide the development of postgraduate design education were analysed. These are the Mode 1, 2 and 3 models, Innovation Triple, Quadruple and Quintuple Helix models, as well as research approaches that have the potential to better align academia with industry, such as practice-based and practice-led research, recognition of prior learning and work-integrated learning.

The Imperative for Developing Critical and Creative Thinking Competencies in Postgraduate Design Education



Design Education Research

Design education has an integral association with engaging both critical and creative thinking. While the previous critical cross-field outcomes explicitly fostered both critical and creative development (SAQA 2000), the newer level descriptors (SAQA 2012) focus almost exclusively on critical thinking. This could be because critical and creative thinking are often regarded as synonymous. Authors like Macat International Limited (2017) support this understanding by including creative thinking as a component of critical thinking, while other authors differentiate between the two concepts.

Assessment of Postgraduate Studies: Are we missing the mark?



Design Education Strategy

The first author had the privilege to examine master’s dissertations, as well as doctoral theses on design and design-related topics presented at six universities in South Africa. He furthermore supervised postgraduate students at four universities and served on a variety of postgraduate and ethics committees. This exposure and access to various examination reports and postgraduate assessment criteria provide an informed perspective of the scope, depth and outcomes of, as well as the assessment practices surrounding postgraduate studies in South Africa. Examination reports from examiners outside South Africa are, in general, more favourable with mark allocation than the examination reports issued by South African examiners.

DEFSA conferences

DEFSA promotes relevant research with the focus on design + education through its biennial conferences, to promote professionalism, accountability and ethics in the education of young designers. Our next conference is a hybrid event. See above for details.

Critical skills endorsement

Professional Members in good standing can receive a certificate of membership, but DEFSA cannot provide confirmation or endorsement of skills whatsoever. DEFSA only confirm membership of DEFSA which is a NPO for Design Education in South Africa (