A framework for Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Technology Research
A framework for Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Technology Research: A cross-cultural Indo-South African research project.
The craft sector is currently one of the fastest growing industries in South Africa. It involves commercial and industrial interest in the manufacturing, marketing and design aspects. Within this proposed project we will focus on the study and development of traditional and appropriate technologies in the manufacturing processes of crafts.
Modern techniques will be adapted, adopted and incorporated with traditional technology. Research done on ground level will help to identify rural development projects, problem areas and technological innovation possibilities.
The Arts forms a crucial part of the IKS+T knowledge base. Arts and craft based research can make a positive contribution to the documentation of IKS+T activities, how IKS+T reflects in the public understanding of science and the identification of possible interventions towards improved production processes.
Project leaders:
- Gauhar Raza. National Institute for Science,Technology and Developmental Studies.(NISTADS) New Delhi, India.
- Hester du Plessis. African Arts and Artefact Research and Development Centre, Arts Faculty, Technikon Pretoria.